@NyanaCreation @Spiderberry hmm i think taking pictures would be good but i think you should do it in a post then. a video would be a bit weird but a post with the picture steps next to it would work. if you ever want to film it i would just try to get a selfie stick and put it inbetween a wall and a table so it will be stuck and turn the camera towards the drawing. (not to make selfies :p ) that could work and it is a cheap way of doing it. mabey if you want to do it more proffecional you can get a camera but that could be for later ^^ (i hope that helps)
i personally would like to see you draw. i think that would be fun to see and mabey i can learn a thing or two from you. it is also a new challange for you to see if you like it but if you want to do it is up to you ^^ but i would like to see it.
Spiderberry (Updated )
That is something I haven't done before...Maybe I could do a step by step thing with pictures. I'd do video but I don't really have anything to do that with,so I'll just break down what I do by taking pictures as I go,would that work? ; )