
1,499 Art Reviews

767 w/ Responses

Aw,kitty smooshy face,mine makes this face all the time,nice job.What was this and the Porter one done on?

Beautiful,if a psychotic symbiote covered murderer could be beautiful,can't wait to see what else you do.

Ok,it might not be worth risking my life for delicious meat if this one showed up,definitely a lot more intimidating.

wen-m responds:

XD what if consuming said meat also raises your attack power for the next 24 hours ??

Hey,just wanted to tell you a user is putting up your art and claiming it's theirs,here's the link to the piece they stole https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/azalla1221/robot-monster I didn't know that was yours when I left a review,so every word I wrote to them now goes to you,the rightful owner.

Another gorgeous piece,I'd say good job but that sounds condescending,especially since you're waaaaay better than me.

clayscence responds:

thank you very much, I don't think it's condescending at all :D I appreciate it!

If it tasted like ham and pineapple,I would hunt and kill this beast,no questions asked. Mmm,pineapple bacon...

wen-m responds:

ohoho no kidding! but as funny and crazy that may sound, I think it could be a solid story idea. XD imagine the nobles hunt them for "delicacy" and it increases the hatred from them.

You nailed this,it looks just like an old map,so happy you put some new stuff up on NG.

This is really good,you definitely know what you're doing when it comes to ink.

Really well done,for some reason reminds me of Gears of War,not sure why... maybe you could try drawing the Green Goblin next,that one you did with the pumpkin reminds me of him,and I have a feeling that would look cool the way you do things.

Roxedo responds:

Hey Spiderberry, thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated ;)
never really thought about it like that, yeah i guess it does kinda look like it, must be the bald head :P hahaha jk.
yeah sounds interesting I'll definitely have a look at goblin and see what i can come up with at some point, so keep your eyes pealed for that ;)

Both ideas would work,maybe you could even combine them,like maybe he's from a group that creates androids based from a man who was an excellent soldier,but didn't follow what the group wanted,so they instead killed him and used him as their base for their soldiers. Maybe this one was given the man's memories and rebelled from the group. Or maybe I just put too much thought into this.

The-Artist-J responds:

That actually sounds really cool! Nice thinking

Love looking at art,love making art,just love art.

Spider Berry @Spiderberry

Age 28, Female


Joined on 11/16/16

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