
767 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Great job on this,Carnage looks awesome! I always liked their relationship,as it was not like the Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship,as Carnage,even though he's probably the most heartless,evil character in Marvel comics,really seemed to love Shriek,it was actually kinda of sad when Deadpool tricked him into killing her.

Armorwing responds:

I had the same thoughts., especially compared to Joker and Harley.

And if it makes you feel better, I reread that issue and Carnage did not kill Shriek. He almost did, but the warden said he "almost iced her".

Nice perspective on this,it's a pretty cool graphic.

The-Artist-J responds:

Thanks man!

You have a nice clean style,great job on this.

FindingBloom responds:

Thank you so much!!

Very different from other stuff from you,but really well done,hope you sell these!

The-Artist-J responds:

Yeah its definitely different from what I normally do. This is just a concept for a shirt design my brother and I had.

This turned out well,you're getting really good with the 3D stuff!

RoseredTiger responds:

thanks =D

Nicely done,great job.

ArindamDhar responds:

Thanks a lot man. Glad you liked it.

Simple,but very nice.

Ryychii responds:


I'm glad you're still putting these up,I love this character,and your awesome painting/inking skills.

JFrancisFright responds:

Thanks you very much! I had a bit of a delay, but I'm back on a good schedule with these. When they're all done I'm gonna be making books! ;)

Awesome job on this!

RonyAzurdia responds:

Hey! Thanks!

I can picture this in a horror game,where you're just going around some creepy old house,trying to get out. You walk into yet another room looking for keys or something,and at first he doesn't move,just sits slumped over at the table,dead like all the other bodies you've run across so far. You ignore him,and search the room,eventually finding what you're looking for,and you begin to leave the room,only to stop when you hear a slight growling behind you...you swing around to see him raise his head and turn to stare at you. Before you have time to react,he gets up,the stool making an awful scraping noise on the floor as it gets pushed back. As you are frozen in place,he makes a lunge at you,snapping you out of your trance,and you dodge,and begin your terror filled run down the hall,occasionally tripping on various objects scatter in the way,with him following close behind. You make it to and down the stairs and to the main door,too scared to look back,and as you fumble with the key,you can hear him getting closer and closer... Anyway,excellent job on this,it has an awesome feel to it,giving the viewer a nice creepy feeling (obviously),and great lighting effects,and textures.

RonyAzurdia responds:

Hey! I really liked your description! Actually, that was the idea... something like a scene of a horror movie or game, although, what you just wrote, is better and more detailed than what I imagined hahaha. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. It took me a lot of time to create, so I really appreciate it!

Love looking at art,love making art,just love art.

Spider Berry @Spiderberry

Age 28, Female


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