
767 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Wow,just wow. This so good. I wish I could do this,and I know you're gonna say that it just takes time and practice,but honestly,I think some people just have a gift for this stuff and some don't. You are clearly one of the gifted ones. Oh,and thanks for the tutorial. I haven't watched it yet,but I plan to.

LukeF responds:

Thank you so much!

Personally, I don't believe in the whole 'Your born talented' thing. I think it's more of a combination of things including Practice (You called it :D) but also an Ambition to learn and improve, Because if you look back nobody starts out creating Amazing pieces. We all start at the same level. Maybe there are people who have more of a knack for it but i don't think that's an exclusive thing, I think it's a trait you can definitely adopt.
I looked, Your work is great! Keep it up :)

This is what you do for practice?! Seriously though,amazing job on a very cool idea.

Hades-Pixels responds:

Thank you. :) I don't like to call it practice tbh. When im not working I keep on doing some concepts to help me improve . :) Its more like training I suppose. xD

Wow,this looks like actual concept art for the game,good job.

BmGuy responds:

thanks man

Fascinating story for this picture,is this part of something you're working on? I actually feel bad for him,you do a really good job of making the character come to life,and setting up the scenario. And your art's fantastic too.

themefinland responds:

Thanks you! Yes, this is a part of a larger world I am building, most of my personal drawings take place in that world, but in different time periods. A touch of unintentional melancholy seems to work wonders when creating character, haha.

Hadn't even thought about using this character for the contest,nice job.

Neraksel responds:

Thanks :)

This is really good. Love the painted,almost surreal look of this.

Precipitation24 responds:

Thank you!!

Cool picture,love the stormtroopers on the white without an outline,makes it look almost 3D. Oh,and loved the way you did Darth Vader too.

Paularized responds:

Yeah! Just simply removing the outlines in portraits makes so realistic.

Really enjoying your art so far. Keep them coming!

SenpaiLove responds:

Thank you I'm glad you do and I absolutely shall!

These are really cute,I hope you do more of these.

SenpaiLove responds:

I will haha I have more roll ideas in mind for the future

Aw,you actually managed to make sushi look cute.

SenpaiLove responds:

With the right person anything can become cute!!!

Love looking at art,love making art,just love art.

Spider Berry @Spiderberry

Age 28, Female


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